Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Rain and More Rain

Well show number 1 is over. The weather was terrible but we had a good crowd on Saturday. In fact several customers who returned on Sunday commented on how crowded the show had been. Saw several old friends and good customers. The picture is of the "Colorado Girls" Mary and Cynthia (MC Presents) who come down from Colorado. Don't you love the buffalo! The other picture is a great piece of folk art from Nantucket.

The load out was a real mess with the mud. Several dealers had dropped their trailers in the pasture on Friday after load-in. On Sunday, Susan (the promoter) announced for the dealers to come to the front desk to sign up to have the tracker pull their trailers out of the mud. It was a fun night.
Unfortunately furniture sales were slow but did make several good sales of smaller items. If you didn't make it out try to come in the summer. For those of you who are turned off by the bigger shows in the spring and fall, this is a really great alternative!

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